WordPress Questions
WordPress is an application that runs your website. It is made up of lots of .php scripts and an SQLdatabase.
You can set up as many users as you require.
We would say that WordPress is straight forward and intuitive to use. It can be used in a number of ways, some are simpler than others.
There are many videos on YouTube and Vimeo showing you how to use WordPress.
WordPress is cross compatible on all devices, however, a larger screen is required for editing.
The dashboard can be accessed by typing:
/wp-login.php after your website address.
TopAdmin is the super user, it is the account that we use to login to your WordPress website. If you delete this user, we will be unable to make changes to your website.
Domain & Hosting Questions
A domain name is the address for your website. Your web address is how your customers can find your website on the internet. Websites are hosted on a web server. Domain names are what connects a website to a server. Every domain has to be unique so that the web server knows where to point the user to.
Once designed and configured, your website can have several domain names forward to it.
This may be useful if you want to use the .com and .co.uk versions of your trading name.
For example, topazblackpool.co.uk forwards to topazblackpool.com
In order to register any domain name the registrar will need the following:
Contact Name
Contact Address
VAT / Company Registration / Charity Number / LTD or PLC Number (if applicable)
Contact Number
Contact e-mail address
If any of these details change we must be notified.
To transfer a .uk domain in tou our servers you will need to change IPS tag to LIVEDOMAINS (all in capital letters). We will let you know which at the time of transfer.
To get your domain name transfer starting simply follow these steps:
Unlock the domain name and request the Domain Name's Auth-code from the current domain provider
Make sure the domain name's registrant and admin email contact details are set to your email address
Then we will do the rest.
Please allow upto 5 working days for domain transfer to be completed.
If you are happy keeping your domain where it is, it can be configured to work on our name servers:
We offer two hosting only plans.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.
If your website has been configured by us, the meta data will have been filled in, so that search engines such as google and bing can find your website.
FTP access depends on which plan you have.
This is because you can do everything you need with WordPress without having FTP privelages and for server security.
However, if you need FTP we can discuss your needs and set it up for you.
The server runs Unix operating system.
All disks are SSD's
We aim to have websites finished within seven working days, this depends on how quickly you send us your text, graphics, images, videos etc.
Domain transfers can sometimes take a week, this is beyond our control.
Payment & Accounting
We accept card payments using Stripe and Bank Transfer.
A deposit of 50% is due when ordering, with the remainder due within 28 days.
For renewals a reminder will be sent 28 days prior to the due date.